You can probably get a lot of great advice about what to do after your car overheats, but how about preventing your car from overheating instead? Like any other type of maintenance, there are a few things you can do to keep your car from losing its cool.
Check All the Hoses
Touch the hoses that you can see (make sure the engine is cool when you do this). If any of the hoses seem cracked, brittle or inflexible, you’ll want to replace those. Wiggle the tubes a bit, and make sure that they’re tight. You don’t want to see any leaks, either. Of course, we’re happy to replace any hoses for you.
Check your coolant level and make sure it’s topped off. You shouldn’t have to remove the cap to do this--just check that the fluid is to the full line on the side of the coolant reservoir. If you need to add coolant, add the proper coolant, which should be found in your owner’s manual. By the way, many owner’s manuals are available online.
Check that your radiator is full and that the fluid looks clean. Make sure you use a rag over the radiator cap while you’re opening it. And use extreme caution while removing the radiator cap--make sure the engine is completely cool. Even if the engine is cold, there could still be some pressure build-up inside the radiator, so be very cautious and move slowly while removing the cap.
Temperature Gauge
Keep an eye on your temperature gauge while you’re driving. If the gauge starts going up, stop and pull over and get some help. You don’t want to be stuck on the side of the road with smoke billowing out of your engine compartment.
As always, we’re happy to keep all your fluids topped off, hoses checked, and the engine is running smoothly before you head off on a trip. Regularly scheduled maintenance is the key to preventing your car from overheating. Contact Brown Motor Works today, or stop by our shop at 520 Clemson Rd., Columbia, SC 29229. For best service, schedule an appointment online. We specialize in BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Mini Cooper vehicles.